
Adam Allaker | 03-09-20

After the shock announcement that the popular Adobe Business Catalyst platform was to be retired in 2020 we have been busy helping affected companies migrate their websites over to WordPress. In the wake of Covid-19, Adobe has extended the cut off time to March 2021 and this has given firms more time to migrate away.

Surrey Creative is uniquely positioned to assist with these migrations. Our development team has extensive knowledge of both the Adobe system and WordPress development which enables us to move your website whilst also enhancing the performance and retaining all functionality.

Whilst a straightforward port is the most cost effective option, many clients have used the opportunity to give their website an overhaul at the same time to bring everything up to date. If you have an Adobe Business Catalyst website that you would like to migrate to WordPress, call our office today to obtain a quote. Along with the website re-build we can also provide guidance on migrating your email hosting away from Adobe and advise on reliable hosting partners for your new WordPress website.

WordPress Development Companies