
Adam Allaker | 16-01-20

The way people are searching for your business is changing. Voice search is becoming ever more popular and it’s affect on they way we search is something that can’t be ignored. Traditional phrases like “Web Design Surrey” are being replaced with more natural phrases like “Web Designer Near Me”.

It may be a subtle change but if your website’s SEO is ignoring this shift then you could be losing out on hundreds of visitors per month. A little while ago we posted an article on voice search and how it is changing the landscape of SEO. We have now seen clear evidence of this in Google’s keyword planner tool whilst carrying out further optimisations on our own website.

A few years ago if you wanted to optimise your website, a safe bet would be to consider what you offer as a service and where you offer it and go for that. This makes sense as you want to be found for your key services by potential customers local to you. So if you are an accountant in Guildford it would make sense to optimise your sites SEO for “Accountants in Guildford”. Voice search is challenging this assumption however and it’s not just searches by voice that are being influenced.

As more and more people are getting comfortable with voicing a search command to their smart device, we are getting used to asking for things in a different way. There is evidence that these changes are then translating back to traditional typed searches also as people are becoming used to asking more conversational questions to their search engines.

So the next time you are thinking of optimising your website. Take some time to consider how your clients might be searching for you. You’d be surprised at the results you can get by thinking outside the box. Better yet, give us a call and let Surrey Creative do all the hard work for you.